Hieroglyphs to Alphabets

Geisteswissenschaften / Archäologie / Hieroglyphen

King, Charles

Signatur: A009-B102-D001-A005
Buchart: Hardcover
Verlag: Crane Russak, New York (Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika)
Veröffentlichung: 1977
Sprache: Englisch
Seiten: 133
Größe (HxBXT): 22,3 x 14,2 cm x 1,3 cm
ISBN 10: 0-8448-1034-7
Hieroglyphs to Alphabets
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0. Preface; 1. Introductory Sketch of the prevalent Opinions respecting Hieroglyphics; 2. Investigations found on the Pillar of Rosetta; 3. Additional Inferences, deducted from the Egyptian Manuscripts, and from other Monuments; 4. Collections of the French. - Mr. Drovetti. - Mr. Champollion's Discoveries; 5. Illustrations of the Manuscripts brought from Egypt by Mr. Grey; 6. Extracts from Diodorus and Herodotus; relating to Mummies; 7. Extracts from Strabo; Alphabet of Champollion; Hieroglyphical and Enchorial Names; 8. Chronological History of the Ptolemies, extracted from various Authors

1. Appendix I. Greek text of the Manuscripts and Registries; 2. Appendix II. Specimens of Hieroglyphics

Thomas Young's view on the race of the decipherement of Hieroglyphs

Textpassagen (Auszüge):
"Preface. A complete confirmation of the principal results, which I had soe years since deduced, from an examination of the hieroglyphical monuments of ancient Egypt, having been very unexpectedly derived from the ulterior researches of Mr. Champollion, and from the singular good fortune of Mr. George Grey, I cannot resist the natural inclination, to make a public claim to whatever credit may be my due, for the labour that I have bestowed, on an attempt to unveil the mystery, in which Egyptian literature has been involved for nearly twenty centuries. [...]"