Discovering the origins of man

Geisteswissenschaften / Paläoanthropologie / Origins of Man

Aiello, Leslie

Signatur: A600-B120-D001-A002
Buchart: Hardcover
Verlag: Stonehenge Press Inc., London (Großbritannien)
Herausgeber: The American Museum of Natural History
Veröffentlichung: 1982
Sprache: Englisch
Seiten: 96
Format: Lex. 8°
Größe (HxBXT): 26,1 x 23,7 cm x 1,4 cm
ISBN 10: 0-86706-006-9
Discovering the origins of man
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1. A Look at Mankind; 2. Man's Primate Relatives; 3. Myth and Religion; 4. Theories about Evolution; 5. Organizing the Evidence; 6. How Fossils are Formed; 7. What Fossils Show; 8. How Fossils are Dated; 9. Time and Primate Evolution; 10. The Miocene World; 11. Who is Man's Ancestor?; 12. Ramapithecus in Controversy; 13. The Four Million Year Gap; 14. The First Hominid Footprints; 15. A Skeleton called Lucy; 16. Finds from Olduvai; 17. Omo and Koobi Fora; 18. The South African Hominids; 19. Interpreting the Evidence; 20. Life on the Savanna; 21. The Seed Eaters; 22. Using Tools; 23. Evolution of the Human Brain; 24. The Hairless Ape; 25. African Origins; 26. The Fossils from Java; 27. Peking Man; 28. The Ice Ages; 29. Fire; 30. Where Homo erectus Lived; 31. European Fossils; 32. Middle Pleistocene Life; 33. The Piltdown Hoax; 34. Man in Transition; 35. The Neanderthals; 36. The Rise of the Cro-Magnons; 37. Life in the Last Ice Age; 38. Artists of the Caves; 39. Homo sapiens in Africa and Asia; 40. The Southern Migration; 41. Man in the New World; 42. Present-Day Hunters and Gatherers; 43. Modern Peoples; 44. The Unending Search; 45. Glossary; 46. Index, Credits and Bibliography

Book about human prehistory

Textpassagen (Auszüge):
"The search for the origins of man has all the makings of a great mystery story. There are clues - a bit of bone here, a few teeth there-and detectives in the guise of scientists from more than a dozen different disciplines, each keen to find another piece in the jigsaw puzzle that is man's ancestry. [...]"